Important Academic Rules & Regulations

  • In order to meet university norms, all students must have to maintain a minimum attendance of 75%.
  • According to the curriculum, students are expected to attend all theory and tutorial sessions for each topic. also assignment submission is required following unit completion as directed by the relevant subject faculty.
  • Attending all lab sessions, keeping lab logs, using equipment correctly, and finishing lab logs are requirements for students.
  • For internal subject evaluation, students must appear all of the unit tests.
  • In each semester, there are two Mid-semester exams for undergraduate students. Students must appear both of the exams and achieve their highest possible scores. •Nonetheless, 35% is the minimum required score.
  • The students' semester sessional marks are strictly dependent on their regular attendance in classes, success on midterm exams, unit tests, and attendance and performance in lab classes.
  • All practical exams for the RGPV programme must be appeared by students.
  • Students must complete their projects (minor/major in sixth and eighth semesters), present them, and then submit them on time with the supervision of their supervisors.
  • Every student must uphold discipline in their classes, hallways, dorms, libraries, sports facilities, buses, and on campus. Additionally, respecting and listening to your classmates is expected.
  • The student's sense of belonging on college grounds will be determined by how well they take care of college property. Cooperate with your classmates and the teacher as directed.
  • Students should contact the tutor guardian for assistance with any issues before contacting the department head, Dean (Students Affair), and Director, in that order.

Register! to study in Academic Session 2025-26.